Our Services

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    Agricultural Production Consultancy
    Consultancy services are provided to all periods from the growth of seedling to planting, and later until harvest. Each stage is reported to producer.
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    Greenhouse Project Consultancy
    Providing consultancy services in all periods from the selection of land, which is one of the most important items necessary for greenhouse, until the end of greenhouse.
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    Feasibility and preliminary survey report preparation
    Providing preliminary survey, preliminary feasibility service to help investor to decide on investment. If investor takes a positive decision on the investment, full feasibility is implemented.
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    Providing Theoretical and Practical Training to Production Team
    Agricultural engineer, agricultural technician or technical team must have theoretical and practical training not to have any important problems in production. Production team must have a training at least 6 months before the planting for learning all applications. Necessary information is given to production team.
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    Providing Services in Local and International Project
    Knowledge sharing, training, production consultancy and other services are provided to increase the success of project and make the project reach its goal in agricultural projects.


  • 2017
    UNIDO: HAYAT project in Egypt
    I gave counseling to the producers in Egypt on the application of modern production techniques, the modernization of greenhouses and the training of agronomists. I also gave information about the seedling breeding techniques in the seedlings in the greenhouses.
  • 2011 - 2014
    Ministry of Economy AİB: Project of Increasing Export
    I have participated in the training of consultants of export company or agricultural engineers assigned in an export company, and increasing knowledge level of 14 export company, sharing the conditions which can affect export positively, determining the types suitable for export.
  • 2013
    UNIDO :Egypt Salasel project
    I have provided consultancy services in the project of developing upper Egypt agriculturally, modernization of greenhouses, different production techniques, increasing the efficiency, obtaining quality seedling and training of production consultants.
  • 2010
    UN-FAO :Training of female farmers project
    I have provided services as trainer in the project about increasing the work performance and education level of women working in small scale enterprises available in Turkey.
  • 2008 - 2009
    MSG-BESTNET-STARSALE :Agricultural Consultancy Program Software (AGRM)
    I was one of the people who provided services in the designing of a program that records each stage of production and also writes prescription. This program both increased the efficiency of consultant on land and provided statistics or data upon request by recording each procedure, thus increased our success.
  • 2006 - 2008
    UNIDO-Batem-MSG :Project of Ending Methyl Bromide
    I have participated to project by studying environment-friendly chemical or application techniques instead of methyl bromide, which is harmful to environment, in MSG-AR-GE greenhouse, and I have gathered and analyzed data and sent the results to Batem.
  • 2005 - 2008
    METRO GROUP: Project of Traceability and Controlled Production Project on Food Safety
    Controlling all stages of product, from the field to table, is important in respect of healthy food. In the project, I have provided production consultancy beginning from each stage of production and during delivery stage of the product. Also, we have made the producer to produce more delicious and flavored products by reflecting the producers' expectations about taste and flavor in production by participating to expos. International EAN-UCC barcode was provided to these products and consumer could track each stage of production from internet.
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Mahyeddin DANIŞMAN / Antalya / TURKEY

GSM : +90 532 265 63 23

Mesut ÖZLEYEN / Antalya / TURKEY

GSM : +90 535 5437498

Yusuf AYKUŞ / İzmir / TURKEY

GSM : +90 532 7676405